Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Overcome Infertility... Enjoy Motherhood...

Female infertility can be referred to as inability of a woman to get pregnant. Female infertility contributes to approximately 50% of all infertility cases and accounts for approximately one-third of all infertility cases.


What causes Female infertility?

Mostly female infertility is caused due to the problems associated with ovulation, uterus, fallopian tubes or the cervix. Age also plays an important role in infertility, as the age increases, fertility naturally tends to decrease. The following are some of the problems that may cause infertility:
  • Tumor or cyst
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Excess weight
  • Stress
  • Thyroid gland problems
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Extremely short menstrual cycle
  • Scar tissue or adhesions
  • Birth defect
  • DES syndrome
  • Abnormal cervical mucus
  • Chronic medical illness

Diagnosis of Female Infertility

Female infertility is diagnosed by a thorough physical check up which includes the examination of medical history regarding the factors that contribute to infertility. The doctors may also use some of the following tests to evaluate infertility:
  • Pelvic and breast exam
  • Urine or blood test to check infections, thyroid problem or hormone problem
  • Cervical mucus test to check ovulation
  • HSG or X-ray to check the blockage of the fallopian tubes
  • Hysteroscopy to look for uterine abnormalities
  • Ultrasound to check uterus and ovaries

Treatment for Infertility

Female infertility is most commonly treated by the following methods:
  • Medications to stimulate ovulation
  • Taking hormones to treat hormonal imbalance, short menstrual cycle or endometriosis
  • Minor surgery to remove scar or blockage in the fallopian tubes, uterus or pelvic area
  • Supplements to enhance fertility
  • Antibiotics to remove infections.
ARC International Fertility and Research Centre specialized in infertility treatment for both men and women provides the best Female Infertility Treatment in Chennai. The clinic provides extensive and quality infertility treatments with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff at affordable cost.

Mail Us : abhijaycenter@gmail.com


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you are facing the problem of infertility then here is the Sofat Infertility Centre that offers the IVF treatment in India at very low price. IVF treatment involves the mixing of sperm and egg manually in lab.

  3. Consult fertility forums to know more about the women with fertility challenges.
